"World is suddener than we fancy it. / World is crazier and more of it than we think, /
Incorrigibly plural."
--Louis MacNeice
Welcome to SuddenWorld, where I apply an introvert's eye to the the pips and portions of things being various as an American expat living in Seoul, South Korea.
I cover topics of acute interest to me, including but not limited to geek culture, education, literature, politics, and Korean culture.

Hello, Friend,
While I'm proud of various accomplishments throughout my life, frankly, I've been a bit of a coward about calling myself a writer for a while. This blog is my effort to be a little bit brave again in that regard.
I have a BA in Creative Writing from Johns Hopkins University and was a Rackham Merit Fellow for Poetry in graduate school at the University of Michigan. I also have a Masters of Science in Teaching from Fordham University.
I currently teach at Soongsil University in Seoul, South Korea.
But these details are mere talking points about my life rather than saying anything substantive about my personal pitfalls and passions. I hope you'll come to know them through my blog content as my writing grows, piece by piece.
--E. Pontee